Sunday, February 8, 2015


Ancient Indian recognized 27 division of the zodiac called Nakshatra or Constellations. Moon takes about 27.3 days to complete its sojourn around the ecliptic. The Nakshatras represent the average daily motion of the Moon against the fixed stars.
                   In actual the time span of each Nakshatra Varies, but in ancient time the segment were fixed to a lenthg of 13 degree 20 minutes of arc.
Unlike the zodiac the Nakshatras are symbolized by inanimate object. The sanskrit term Nakshatra means "Which does not decay or destroy" . As there are 27 division of the Nakshatras, there names are as follows:-

  1. Ashwani
  2. Bharani
  3. Kritika
  4. Rohini
  5. Mrigasira
  6. Ardra
  7. Punarvasu
  8. Pushya
  9. Ashlesha
  10. Magha
  11. Purvaphalguni
  12. Uttarphalguni
  13. Hasta
  14. Chitra
  15. Swati
  16. Vishakha
  17. Anuradha
  18. Jyeshtha
  19. Moola
  20. Purvashadha
  21. Uttarashadha
  22. Shravana
  23. Dhanishta
  24. Shatabhisha
  25. Purvabhadra
  26. Uttarabhadra
  27. Revati
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